Photocopies, photographs, and electronic copies of the aforementioned credentials are not acceptable. state issued drivers licenses, International Passports, and the United States Military Identification Card. Current forms of valid photographic credentials accepted by Hokie Passport Services include U.S. You will be required to present valid, original, and commonly recognized official photographic credentials at the time you obtain your VT ID. Cash, check (made out to Treasurer, Virginia Tech), or Hokie Passport Account are accepted as forms of payment for IDs. For more information on lost or stolen cards, click here.

A $25 replacement charge will apply to stolen IDs.

The existing card must be presented at the time of replacement. The $25 charge will be waived if the picture is unrecognizable or if the card has been damaged from normal wear. There is no charge for the first ID you are issued, but replacement IDs cost $25. driver's license or international passport to the ID window. The ID request cards are located on tables in the Student Services Building lobby. When you visit the Hokie Passport Services office, you will need to fill out an ID Request Card (example shown below). This is true even if you are planning on being registered for future classes. This means that you cannot be issued a card if you are not currently registered for at least one class. To obtain a Hokie Passport, you must be a registered student. What do I need and where do I need to go?